DRAWING LINES: performing negrotivitiesMay 31, 2022. Residency activity at Despina in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Co-curated with Yhuri Cruz

In 2016, I devised I kroywara I as adage. This imaginary is such as Namaste, Ubuntu, and In Lak’ ech. To inform my practice, I focus on I walk with you, you walk with I.

My urge is to challenge power structures. This process often leads to cognitive, emotional and ethical tension. However, I am convinced that performing within communal context and local knowledge transforms these tensions into strength. As a consequence, my practice is informed by koiwara: an indigenous ritual performed by mothers and children. This technology is used in agricultural processing of a Caribbean community known as Kari’na. After moshiro – general preparation by men in the community – each Kari’na family individually proceeds with koiwara: re-burning of wood piles that were insufficiently burned.

In staging and performing, I specifically identify with koiwara’s sustainable essence and admire its significance to nature, culture, and networks. In a similar manner, I encounter others to create magic aiming at altering violence rooted in history.

“This is precisely the time when artists go to work. We speak, we write, we do language… That is how civilizations heal.” 

Toni Morrison